Thursday, May 25, 2006


Just me going crazy!...
(at the university)

Going crazy

What can I say... My first post :) (the last one was uploaded by Aine)... but thanks to her I have created my blog... What would you find here?... I really don't know... How many times I will upload it weekly?... Weekly updates, crazy.... I just know that I'll try to give you the most of my life.

So, let's get it started, I have to say that I have never used a blog in my life so I was going crazy guessing what should I do to upload something like this and I'm still going crazy 'cause I want to upload some image and I can't do it if they are not on the web already (at least that's what I understood).

I need to say that I'm not one of those who hates computers, I'm just trying to explore this program. I'll do my best during the next weeks and for sure you'll see something better ;), promisse.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006