Sunday, October 07, 2007

... Experiences ...

Sometimes... just sometimes you realized you are actually getting older... You want to think you are the same kid you were 20 years ago, the one which the biggest issue was: Shit! I forgot the toy in my grandma's house... But then you come back, and again you use your experiences to remind you why is it good to get older...

During the last 3 months I have been working at P&G, I have finished my german course (level one, of course) and started classes, that on the professional side... On the personal side, lots of confussions on the relationship, i't's so hard sometimes to be inlove of somebody that is thousands of miles away, a person you can't get to know based on experiences, but based on words and emails, but this is defenetly something I need to work out soon, cause feelings are involved, and when feelings are involved you may have the best experiences or the worst experiences...

But to tell you something... I went to the beach of course... With my MC team for the last time, during August, before they left and with some friends later... Then I spent a week in Margarita, an Island in Venezuela, Rob came :-) and we had an amaaaaazing week, Albert and Frank went there too, for 3 days... Then we came back, Rob left... and some weeks later I went to Miami, were I met my mom, brother and some other family, I spent 5 days with them there, great days, and also got some good clothes :-)

Soooooo... great experiences defined great people... and as we all can have great experiences we all can be great people... Sooooooo.... for the best, lets just make sure we have great experiences!