Saturday, December 30, 2006

Friday, December 29, 2006

BeSt VaCaTiOnS eVeR

Hey hey hey!!!
What can I saaaay?... Me writing again... And guess what!... Aine already arrived on December 11th. (monday) to Venezuela! :) here we are -->

Her first week here was probably not the best, she had to come to my office and wait for me to finish my classes, exams, etc. She saw me studying (she has good stories about that) and she came to some classes with me (the buring ones), but of course, I gave her a tour around the campus and introduce her a few people. We went out a couple of times and she join me in the preparation of the LCP meeting.

I almost spent all night from friday to saturday awake, and at 4:30 am I woke up Aine and Kelly, we had to leave my home at 5 am to go to Barquisimeto, the city where the LCP meeting was taking place. We left Caracas just 15 mins. later than the expected time, but at the end we arrived late to Barquisimeto, guess what. An accident!, that's it, a stu... truck just had an accident and block the road for 2 hours!!!! I spent 40 mins. walking 'till the accident place and 40 mins. to go back to the car (I was reaaaaaaally curious about what could happen). Good thing was that I could sing and dance while I was walking to the car without my t-shirt :-).

So we arrived to Bqto., the LCP meeting took place... I'm defently not going to talk about LCP meeting, READ THE OUTPUT! (that's for AIESECers)... The only thing I could tell you about is the fantastic dinner we had, but I was sooooooooooo tired 'cause of the trip that I couldn't dance or go to party after the dinner... The last day of the LCP meeting we just run out of Antonio's house and gave a quick visit to Santa Rosa (like a colonial town inside Bqto)... Then we went to Chichiriviche!! we had a reservation in a good place there!, we went for shoping (food and alcohol).

course... Anyway, we decided after we arrived to the resort that weTuesday arrived and the week was actually starting... We went to Cayo Sombrero, the best beach in Morrocoy! and we had great time there, although not our backs, we ended all burned, Aine more than me of should buy ice and start drinking. We just stoped for a little while to see the sunset and the pink birds (Flamingos) flying from school to their homes... We listened music and took some pics... Right after that we just went back to out apartment. I dont know why, but we just went to the pool for a while and went back to the apartment and the last think that we remember is that at 9 pm we were already sleeping. Next day we went to Coro!!!, greeeeeeeeeaaat days, we went to Los Medanos de Coro, loooooooooots of sand eeeeeeeeeveeerywhere, I'll upload a great video that you could watch to see how much fun you may have with the sand. After the dunes we went to the northest place in Venezuela, Cabo San Román! was sooooo great to get there, also was kind of hard, but worth it :-). We went back to Coro and after long thinking processes we decided to stay in Coro that night, so we look for a place to stay and we found this little but really cute place. We went out for a while to eat and see how was the city at night, was a nice place, we saw a lot of lights (at least more than the ones I was expecting :-), after we just ate something and bought some ice to have some drinks in the room (we already had the alcohol from Chichiriviche ;-).

Next day we woke up and went out to see the Colonial zone of Coro... Was reaaaaallyyy nice... We just went to the FIRST CHURCH IN VENEZUELA!, that was AWESOME!, here it is... It was built on 1530 so it has almost 500 years! that was incredible... After that we went to the Cathedral, to a Catholic Museum and to a place where Miranda gave his first speech for the freedom of Venezuela. Was really interesting everything we saw there, squares, streets, the town... One hour later we were eating and leaving Coro Kms. ago... We were going back to our place in Chichiriviche, to eat Aine's food, she prepared an eeeexcelleeeent meal! We tried to go party, but I had a horrible feeling in my back so we decided to stay, I actually couldn't sleep 'till almost 2 am...

Friday... almost last day... We had a tour! we saw a place full of images of saints and virgens!, we went into an indian cave and we saw a boat almost into the water full of oisters... Then we went to Cayo Sal were we ate and slept... and of course, went for some swim... At 3 pm we went back to the hotel where we ate, went to the pool and finallyyyyyyyyy went to party at night!!! was not bad, this India place was good, and we actually met a girl that seems to has 12 but actually has like 18. She invited us to dance with all the group in the round. The place closed at 3 am, so we went to sleep almost at 4 :-)...

On saturday we just came back to Caracas and slept a looooooooooot... I know that we did something else, but I actually cant remember, so lets say that we stayed at home 'till the 24th... And that my friends is the next post of my blog... I actually feel that this post needs to end here! but next one is going to be cool too... We went to many places too :-)...

Love u all!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Catching up!

Loooooong time without writing here... As always... I just decided that I really need a break in the office and just remembered that I have this random page where I write about my life so people can take a look quickly... hehehehe...

Anyway... What can I say... from the last time I've probably dated many people, went to the beach hundred times and party a lot!... YYEEEAAAHHHH RIGHT!, MCP's life, hahahahaha. Well, actually I've been at the beach twice, one with some friends during a free weekend (that actually exists) and the second time with Araz and my team during AI's visit.. We had a great time there!

So... I still have a debt on IC's stories... and that will be a life debt... I dont think I could remember everything now... Let's just say that it was amazing see some people again, specially people from IPM and Aine, hehehehe... The conference was ok, and the discussions had... hmmm.. let's say that we had a good time together.

After IC... Lot of work, I received a totally new AIESEC (my guys went through LCP meeting, ER weekend and Finance weekend), I needed to receive transition at that time hehehehe... But finally the team was complete after IC, Antje was here... and we had our MC team daaayysss... we planed and spend moments together... but mostly to work... a lot :-(... And after that we had so much work to do that we actually couldn't have some fun.

During October... LDS and LCP meeting!!!... God! was awesome!... the guys from LDS just enjoyed the conference too much and me, I really had the best LCP meeting ever (this is my second year in the MC)... Was really a kick-off for my motivation, it just gave me a lot of inputs and ideas to continue implementing the direction and keep the good work!... Somewhere in the middle of October (preparing myself for the LCP meeting) I went to the beach, I spent a greeeeeeeaattt time there and we have a lot of fun... aaand a lot of time to rest and drink some beers on the sand!

Now the best month... The month of my brithday... Yeap, November... I'm going to skip half of november to go directly to November 16th, when I was already tired 'cause of the month but I wanted to earn some money, so I decided to work at night.... How.... in a commercial, yeap, a commercial for PEPSI as extra! I worked was there from 9:30 pm 'till 5:30 am... I got home at 6 am after receiving my payment (one of the best parts)... I saw some artists and have some fun with music and drinks... but I slept just 2 hours 'cause I had to prepared some things before Araz's arrival... Yeap, I went directly to the airport to pick her up... But... everythig about her visit you can read it in the MC's blog (I wrote that post) 'cause I'm not going to write the same again... Just stories about my birthday which started on November 18th at 00:00 in a meeting preparing an AIESEC conference and ended with a meeting 'till almost 1 am on November 19th... I just can say that I really tried to enjoy my party time after the meeting, but I was reeeeaalllyyyy tired, so I went to bed almost at 5.

After Araz visit I just can say that we had an awesome days!, we really enjoy to have her here in Venezuela... And now that I have read her 100.000 emails about her visit I really can say that for sure it worth it... About these days... I missed 2 exams (will present the later, I can do that ;-)... I've passed the rest of the evaluations... Aaaaaanndd I wouldn't be able to forget elections!... JUST CRAAAAAAZY days... everybody waiting for something bad to happen, and at the end Chavez won and here we are, having our normal life... working, studing, sleeping, etc. Some are depressed, but most of the people are really willing to get over it and have a better impact in next elections.

Soooo finally today... I'm happy to have the need of a break... I could catch you up and spend some time talking about me :-). But Why I'm extremely happy about is 'cause in just 6 days a special person will be arriving Venezuela... Aine, I really cant wait to pick you up (I promisse I will... I would try to think that it's not a dream, hehehehe).

I reaaaally should go back to work now... So I'll be in touch.. Probably in one month ;-)

Love u all! Hugs!

Franky - BABY!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Love you all!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What can I say... I couldn't fulfill my promisse about updating my blog once a month, week, I don't remember. Anyway, here I am, once again trying to keep you updated about my life.

There are so many things that happened during July-August... Dan arrived from UK, special day, my first international team member arriving to Venezuela, a new son for me, and since that moment we were a team of tree (Dan Richard and me). We spent days preparing the national conference and finally we had our national conference in AIESEC for national planning, that one was really great. The venue and the food were nice and healthy (something new in AIESEC Venezuela), I don't have pictures here, but was in a mountain, with warm-cold weather, individual bedrooms, individual bathrooms, everything was really nice.

Dan and Richard were there, I think that everyone as exited as me, our national conference to plan our term, to meet with all the leadership team for the next term, to share, create and grow. Dan prepared a camp fire and an activity with candles (then we ask why the people think that we are a cult), everybody loved it and of course after that we made the toast for the new term that was just about to start.

In my opinion the national conference started a new term for actions and results never seen in AIESEC Venezuela, and that's what will come after the conference, during the Finance Weekend, the LCP meeting and the ER Weekend, hehehehe. Unfortunetly I was not in those meeting 'cause I was in IC 2006!

Hehehehehe, yeah, IC 2006, again in one IC, but this time as delegate, what a difference, always complaining about the CC (just kidding)... The experience started in my way to IC, I spent almost 40 hours in the trip, from Caracas to Dallas, where everybody stop me to check something (of course, one young guy travelling alone), from Dallas to London (what an expensive city! GOD) and from London to Warsaw, finally there. The CC was there to pick us up and take us to the venue, and there I met Antje, yes finally I met my last team member. We spent the night talking for a while and talking with the people from other countries.

But IC's stories will come later... I need to keep working... We have MC Team days this weekend and I need to prepare some things... And I need to prepare Richard for the weekend, he's really scared about Dan's cooking, me driving, weekend's logistic (nothing it's ready yet)...

Hope you've enjoyed this words... and the pics... See you in a future time (maybe 3 months again).

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A great team...

I'm just about to start my term as MCP... My transition is going really well, and the most important thing, I already have 4 more members in my team :), Antje from Germany, Dan from UK, Mario from Ecuador and Risho from Slovakia, great individuals. I've been talking to them through emails and chats...

I'm really glad 'cause they are extremly motivated to come here and work a lot for AIESEC in Venezuela with me. They have a lot of great ideas and experience inside and outside AIESEC. I'm creating a lot of expectations about our results thanks to the team I got. Now we're just waiting for the last member of the team, someone responsible fro Finance ('cause I'm not going to do that!)

Anyway... I also want to say that, again, 'cause of Aine I'm writing these words... You have no idea how dificult is for me to get use to this life-news spaces... I wont promisse again that I'll do my best 'cause you will think that I wont do it.. So, see you later...

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Just me going crazy!...
(at the university)

Going crazy

What can I say... My first post :) (the last one was uploaded by Aine)... but thanks to her I have created my blog... What would you find here?... I really don't know... How many times I will upload it weekly?... Weekly updates, crazy.... I just know that I'll try to give you the most of my life.

So, let's get it started, I have to say that I have never used a blog in my life so I was going crazy guessing what should I do to upload something like this and I'm still going crazy 'cause I want to upload some image and I can't do it if they are not on the web already (at least that's what I understood).

I need to say that I'm not one of those who hates computers, I'm just trying to explore this program. I'll do my best during the next weeks and for sure you'll see something better ;), promisse.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006