Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Catching up!

Loooooong time without writing here... As always... I just decided that I really need a break in the office and just remembered that I have this random page where I write about my life so people can take a look quickly... hehehehe...

Anyway... What can I say... from the last time I've probably dated many people, went to the beach hundred times and party a lot!... YYEEEAAAHHHH RIGHT!, MCP's life, hahahahaha. Well, actually I've been at the beach twice, one with some friends during a free weekend (that actually exists) and the second time with Araz and my team during AI's visit.. We had a great time there!

So... I still have a debt on IC's stories... and that will be a life debt... I dont think I could remember everything now... Let's just say that it was amazing see some people again, specially people from IPM and Aine, hehehehe... The conference was ok, and the discussions had... hmmm.. let's say that we had a good time together.

After IC... Lot of work, I received a totally new AIESEC (my guys went through LCP meeting, ER weekend and Finance weekend), I needed to receive transition at that time hehehehe... But finally the team was complete after IC, Antje was here... and we had our MC team daaayysss... we planed and spend moments together... but mostly to work... a lot :-(... And after that we had so much work to do that we actually couldn't have some fun.

During October... LDS and LCP meeting!!!... God! was awesome!... the guys from LDS just enjoyed the conference too much and me, I really had the best LCP meeting ever (this is my second year in the MC)... Was really a kick-off for my motivation, it just gave me a lot of inputs and ideas to continue implementing the direction and keep the good work!... Somewhere in the middle of October (preparing myself for the LCP meeting) I went to the beach, I spent a greeeeeeeaattt time there and we have a lot of fun... aaand a lot of time to rest and drink some beers on the sand!

Now the best month... The month of my brithday... Yeap, November... I'm going to skip half of november to go directly to November 16th, when I was already tired 'cause of the month but I wanted to earn some money, so I decided to work at night.... How.... in a commercial, yeap, a commercial for PEPSI as extra! I worked was there from 9:30 pm 'till 5:30 am... I got home at 6 am after receiving my payment (one of the best parts)... I saw some artists and have some fun with music and drinks... but I slept just 2 hours 'cause I had to prepared some things before Araz's arrival... Yeap, I went directly to the airport to pick her up... But... everythig about her visit you can read it in the MC's blog (I wrote that post) 'cause I'm not going to write the same again... Just stories about my birthday which started on November 18th at 00:00 in a meeting preparing an AIESEC conference and ended with a meeting 'till almost 1 am on November 19th... I just can say that I really tried to enjoy my party time after the meeting, but I was reeeeaalllyyyy tired, so I went to bed almost at 5.

After Araz visit I just can say that we had an awesome days!, we really enjoy to have her here in Venezuela... And now that I have read her 100.000 emails about her visit I really can say that for sure it worth it... About these days... I missed 2 exams (will present the later, I can do that ;-)... I've passed the rest of the evaluations... Aaaaaanndd I wouldn't be able to forget elections!... JUST CRAAAAAAZY days... everybody waiting for something bad to happen, and at the end Chavez won and here we are, having our normal life... working, studing, sleeping, etc. Some are depressed, but most of the people are really willing to get over it and have a better impact in next elections.

Soooo finally today... I'm happy to have the need of a break... I could catch you up and spend some time talking about me :-). But Why I'm extremely happy about is 'cause in just 6 days a special person will be arriving Venezuela... Aine, I really cant wait to pick you up (I promisse I will... I would try to think that it's not a dream, hehehehe).

I reaaaally should go back to work now... So I'll be in touch.. Probably in one month ;-)

Love u all! Hugs!

Franky - BABY!


Aine said...

and i can't wait to be there! and we both know the only reason you will actually come meet me at the airport is that you think you are getting presents ;) love you! see you in 143 hours and 15 mins ....approximately ;)

Kevy Nathalie said...

Hey franky baby, mi P precioso... Que fino q al fin te dignaste a escribir...

Te quiero burda


Anonymous said...

Well, it's good to read some stuff about your life coz otherwise i wouldn;t have any chance to know what's new around you:P:P:P