Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Me at IC :)


Kevy Nathalie said...

Frank te amo!!!!!!!!
Te extraño!!!!!!!
Mira mis blogs!!!!!!


Gracia Caroline said...

Hey Franky,

Thanks for that sharing during the last days of IC. I took it well... You and Aine just make me laugh all the time. :)

Good to know you're blogging dear.

Hugs from Indonesia,

Rob said...

Is there anyone left in AIESEC who hasn´t become just a little bit Irish...? :)

Glad everything is going well with you. Was really nice getting to know you better during IC.

Take care
x R x

Erica is Rich said...

Hey Franky,

Nice shot. :-P I so want to go to South America next year...

Nico(leta) said...

You can see Aine's influence:):):)

Have fun my dear..hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Holaaa Franki... que fino está tu blog, tienes que visitar mi MySpace está divertido, es como un mini parque de atracciones, tiene de todo un poco jejejeje

Anete said...

Hej my dear bicycling-mate;)

Kind of missed this ur astonishing outfit during IC...what a shame :))

best wishes Franky from the north!
and kisses of course;)