Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What can I say... I couldn't fulfill my promisse about updating my blog once a month, week, I don't remember. Anyway, here I am, once again trying to keep you updated about my life.

There are so many things that happened during July-August... Dan arrived from UK, special day, my first international team member arriving to Venezuela, a new son for me, and since that moment we were a team of tree (Dan Richard and me). We spent days preparing the national conference and finally we had our national conference in AIESEC for national planning, that one was really great. The venue and the food were nice and healthy (something new in AIESEC Venezuela), I don't have pictures here, but was in a mountain, with warm-cold weather, individual bedrooms, individual bathrooms, everything was really nice.

Dan and Richard were there, I think that everyone as exited as me, our national conference to plan our term, to meet with all the leadership team for the next term, to share, create and grow. Dan prepared a camp fire and an activity with candles (then we ask why the people think that we are a cult), everybody loved it and of course after that we made the toast for the new term that was just about to start.

In my opinion the national conference started a new term for actions and results never seen in AIESEC Venezuela, and that's what will come after the conference, during the Finance Weekend, the LCP meeting and the ER Weekend, hehehehe. Unfortunetly I was not in those meeting 'cause I was in IC 2006!

Hehehehehe, yeah, IC 2006, again in one IC, but this time as delegate, what a difference, always complaining about the CC (just kidding)... The experience started in my way to IC, I spent almost 40 hours in the trip, from Caracas to Dallas, where everybody stop me to check something (of course, one young guy travelling alone), from Dallas to London (what an expensive city! GOD) and from London to Warsaw, finally there. The CC was there to pick us up and take us to the venue, and there I met Antje, yes finally I met my last team member. We spent the night talking for a while and talking with the people from other countries.

But IC's stories will come later... I need to keep working... We have MC Team days this weekend and I need to prepare some things... And I need to prepare Richard for the weekend, he's really scared about Dan's cooking, me driving, weekend's logistic (nothing it's ready yet)...

Hope you've enjoyed this words... and the pics... See you in a future time (maybe 3 months again).

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