Thursday, March 29, 2007


I think that in this time is just impossible for me to describe the amount of excitment that I have... Is not just 'cause we finish a great conference and the delegates are fucking satisfied! But is also 'cause I'm feeling soooo good about the result of the conference that I just wanna dance, jump, sing, open my body to the world and let them feel the energy and light that is inside me.

Actually the conference is finishing tomorrow, but today we had our last session as facis of ALDS... Or who knows, facis of Ser Mas Leaders Summit... hehehehehe... We'll see... I just wanna say that this is defenetly another experience that have a great value in my AIESEC career and in my life.

Shit guys... Conferences in AIESEC are the best... you can have any role, but the best experience I have had in my life have been IC 2004 as CC member and now AXLDS 07 as faci... I just wish that all of you could have this opportunity and could take as much advantage as I did.

I'm now going to the last party of the conference... Just wanted to share my excitment with people out of the conference... Love you all... Life is great! and more is coming... Hopefully this havent finish here...

Hugs and Kisses!

Some images from Guanajuato!

Here are some images!

We were taking a decision in our office... Which?, dont remember, so dont ask :P

Here we have the faci team dancing our great roll call.. Can you find me?

For those who are wondering, this is our wonderfull and colorfull agenda!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hidden behind the plenary


So I decided to stay behind the plenary... The reason, there's a session going just infront the plenary, and Dey is taaaaaaalking about the SSGN action charter. And also cause I came into the plenary when the session already started and people start to clap cause of something about been late.

Anyway... to tell you a little bit more... We had an awesome outdoor day, my group was excelent! the activities were really good and I manage to dress up and go to the formal dinner, which was soooo good that I actually didnt want to leave... Soooo, we came back to the hotel (the dinner was outside) and I keep talking to people and received a greeeeeeat massage.

The next day we had the LN, completly a mess for us, there were no communication and I actually couldn't manage to understand our role in that part of the conference. So we went back to the hotel and work in the sessions for today, we ended up working 'till 4 am, and Irina and I went to sleep at 4:30 am... Today I woke up at 7:30 sooooooo sleepy, but I took my shower, went for breakfast and start my sessions of the day, which were very very very coooool!

Now I'm veeeery tired, in a faci meeting with something in my eyes according to eeeeeverybody... I wanna go to the party, hopefully I would be ably to, I think that all the busses already left.

Well... meeting finished... Going to find a way to go to the party!


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

mmmm... Franky is worried...

Yeap... Franky is really really worried... I have to prepare something for the team and I still dont have a clue of how to do it... But the good news is that I just got my computer to work, so I have access almost all day to a computer to get my things done.

To tell you a little bit more about my trip to Mexico... I got late to the airport, and the guy said: "5 more minutes and you could loose your flight"... Buuuuuuuuut, didnt happen, Im here!, the flight was great, I read all the time the preparation materials and I also "visited Costa Rica", sorry, I meant, I stayed in an airplane for 45 minutes in Costa Rica... They didnt let us go out!!!!

I arrived and as I said we went to Cami's house and we got drunk, Sebastian gave us Aguardiente Colombiana!!!, shit, my first time drinking pure Aguardiente... To tell you about the next days I should get the pictures... As soon as I get some you'll know more :-)...

I'm gonna continue working and looking for the way to prepare what I have to prepare... aaaaaaand Im gonna continue eating tacos, quesadillas, etc.... Are you jealous?... I would be if I were you :-P

Hugs from Guanajuato.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A quick post from a new Cy

I arrived to Mexico 3 days ago... The OC was suppused to be there, buuuut they were not. The good news is that I found soem Colombian people that went to pick up Jenn and Ale from Colombian MC... They took us to Cami's house and Sebastián made us drink soooo much that we end the night veeery drunk, sleeping where we were not suppused to sleep hehehehehe...

Next day we just went to Socalo, Templo Mayor and Garibaldi's Square... And of course, we ate sooooo much mexican food... We had an awesome day!

Now I'm at Guanajuato preparing the conference with an great group of people... Beautiful individuals hehehehe... Some of you will understand..

Got to go now... but I'll tell you more later :-)

Hugs from Mexico.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happy again!

Just to start getting use to this...

On March 15th (today) I'm suppused to send my IPM report to Araz and Argentina (regional Director and regional Chair), if not Venezuela will be charged with $200. But that's not the funny story...

Funny is when I had a really buuuuuuusy day yesterday... Plan review meeting with the MC, interview with the MCP candidate, meeting with the Alumni Coordinator, thousands of emails to answer (as always), etc... I even missed my classes 'cause I was really worried about the fact that "yesterday was March 15th". Yes! that's the story, I thought yesterday was March 15th... So I decided to buy some redbulls and work on the report reading some information and deciding what should be there...

But then... Rob came online (12:30 am) and after talked with him about my stress he just said, "but today is March 14th for you, you have 'till tomorrow to send the report"... I'm pretty sure all of you have lived something similar aaand... So I just saw the light again, I laughed lots and remember how much I enjoy my life...

So today... Happy day... I'm working on the report! :-) and I enjoyed my first redbull... Still have 2 more...

Monday, March 12, 2007


So yes... I'm Bloging again after 3 months... what can I say, Im just not use to this activity... aaaand Im actually doing this just to show you one special picture: The Franky 2010 picture, took by Yoel from Perú! In this pic I was on the Red Sea in Egypt!

Franky 2010:

Every day Franky wakes up and plays some music and dances... Singing while he's taking a shower.

Franky keep building on his network and try to go as deep as possible with each of the people in it. Providing excitment and learnings each time somebody is around him.

Franky keeps working on his own development and keep helping those who need it, specially people that want to understand why they are as they are.

Franky is still happy... and he's always making sure that he does whatever it takes in order to continue being happy... without harming somebody else...

Hehehehehehe... Dont have too much time to think... So probably I just forgot something... Actually, as I said I just wanted to show you the pic that Yoel took.

In case you're wondering what have I done? A little resume since December... Actually my vacations didnt ended in Morrocoy, I spent really nice days showing Aine parts of Caracas and some other beaches like Choroni, meeting new people and introducing her more people... I finished another semester (I passed all my subjects!!!) and of course, I worked a looot for AIESEC... We had the NSM and 2 days after I went to Egypt, where I spent almost 3 wonderful weeks, I'll let you know why in the next post (like in 6 months from now)

Right now I'm sick... But completly happy, in a new semester and just about to leave to México! TO BE FACI OF ALDS 2007!!!!

Anyway... as always... got to go... But at least I posted something...

Kisses! Franky.