Tuesday, June 05, 2007


What to do in the middle of students demonstrating all the time and taking some streets?

Go to the beeeeeaaaach!!! yes, the perfect solution to avoid any demonstration and make sure you have a great weekend, full of sun, water, sand aaaand a little bit of alcohol... hehehehe... Yes, I decided to go to the beach as we didn't have classes during the whole week and I was getting mad about this situation.

So the weekend... AWESOME! although I burned sooo much that now I'm very red and in pain, which doesn't birng much fun... But the colour is kind of cool... Now I'm more relax, active and with lots of energy to listen music and dance.

This weekend there are a couple of nice activities in Caracas... I think that I'm finally going to party again... Which means; DANCING!

1 comment:

Aine said...

:-O did you go to Choroni without me?! or even worse Copas! :( siiiigh!

Nice haircut though ;)

And I bet you aren't as burned as I was ;) and if you are you know the cure...Caladryl! and don't be at it!!!

besos besos!