Monday, July 09, 2007

Good news vs. bad news

Good news:
I received the call I was waiting for :-) and I passed to the last step in the application process for my internship... I'll tell you where later when I received the last answer...

Bad news:
Aine just told me that Neo is taking the flags thing that I just added in one month... 'cause this is a trial... :-(... So I wont have flags in one month...


xioryeth said...

hey you! a lot of time; i love the colors that you choosed for this space, i'm curious abaut your intership where is it?? and let me now how to make something like this!!! i want to do something similar ;)

p.d.--> i didn't get the flag thing..

Franky said...

hehehehe... not that much :-P... I'll post on monday night about the internship... I'll now about it then :-)... Just go to and follow the instructions.

AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand about the flags... Just look for some bubbles in the blog :-)

Aine said...

haha just go to as though you had done it yourself ;) besos