Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Neeeeeeew job!

Soooo... Everything is ready and I'm just waiting for the starting date... I received an offer and accepted... My new employer will be....... :Yup... Procter&Gamble will be my new home now... and it looks like this:

I should be starting on July 30th... sooo, wait for more news...


Aine said...

Look at us with quote unquote proper jobs :) loving it and of course you :P mwahs

Rob said...

this is so amazing, congratulations :D

Thanks so much for the chat, and for the phone call, and for almost 5 wonderful months ;)


Unknown said...


This is a good news.

Surely you will enjoy your time and this new stage of life.

Hugs from this side of the world

Albert Manrique said...

Bravoooo... You're a Procter Guy... The best Procter guy :D

Mischa P said...

Great news!! Congratulations and good luck from Amsterdam :-)

Ana Gabriela said...

Franquito!! Que gusto me da leerte y ver lo bien que te ha ido! me encanta ver donde estas, por que sé que te lo mereces y sé que vendrán muchos éxitos para ti!

Te quiero miles, y aún me recuerdo de nuestro primer IC, HANNOVER y de Holanda!! (la ùltima vez que te vi!).

keep in touch!!

Puse link de tu blog en el mío por que quiero estar updated de tu vida!!