Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happy again!

Just to start getting use to this...

On March 15th (today) I'm suppused to send my IPM report to Araz and Argentina (regional Director and regional Chair), if not Venezuela will be charged with $200. But that's not the funny story...

Funny is when I had a really buuuuuuusy day yesterday... Plan review meeting with the MC, interview with the MCP candidate, meeting with the Alumni Coordinator, thousands of emails to answer (as always), etc... I even missed my classes 'cause I was really worried about the fact that "yesterday was March 15th". Yes! that's the story, I thought yesterday was March 15th... So I decided to buy some redbulls and work on the report reading some information and deciding what should be there...

But then... Rob came online (12:30 am) and after talked with him about my stress he just said, "but today is March 14th for you, you have 'till tomorrow to send the report"... I'm pretty sure all of you have lived something similar aaand... So I just saw the light again, I laughed lots and remember how much I enjoy my life...

So today... Happy day... I'm working on the report! :-) and I enjoyed my first redbull... Still have 2 more...


Anonymous said...

So your style :) i want to see ur face when Rob told u:)

Unknown said...

Me gusta que escribas franky!
En cierta manera, me entretienes!

Pues bien ! ya se fué el 15 de Marzo :D son pocas veces que pasa lo que has contado, pero es divertido el saber reirse de las locuras que nos pasan!

Aprendes a Reirte de ti mismo! y ya puedes estar seguro de tener un mayor control sobre ti! :D

TQM no dejes de escribir!

Desde Valencia, Venezuela. Francys!

Franky said...

jejejejeje... trataré de seguir escribiendo. Realmente no es algo a lo que este acostumbrado, pero supongo que siempre podré escribir unas líneas para distraerme un rato.

Ahora vamos a seguir con el trabajo. Todos los que conocen mi equipo saben que si paro por mucho tiempo Richard me pega.

Un abrazo!

Rob said...

If you're happy I'm happy :D Anyway, it wouldn't be right for a co-founder of the Happy GN to NOT be happy... :)


Aine said...

ya estas escribiendo :) wooooooot!

if you're happy and you know it....


Aine said...

acabo de dar cuenta de quien es Francys :) :)

Erica is Rich said...

LOL on the story. Stress gets the better of us and friends always fix us eh?

Rob said...

Check this out for a unique view that we didn't get to see...

Brings back many happy memories though - a special place, with a very special person :)

Hope you're having a great conference.