Monday, March 12, 2007


So yes... I'm Bloging again after 3 months... what can I say, Im just not use to this activity... aaaand Im actually doing this just to show you one special picture: The Franky 2010 picture, took by Yoel from Perú! In this pic I was on the Red Sea in Egypt!

Franky 2010:

Every day Franky wakes up and plays some music and dances... Singing while he's taking a shower.

Franky keep building on his network and try to go as deep as possible with each of the people in it. Providing excitment and learnings each time somebody is around him.

Franky keeps working on his own development and keep helping those who need it, specially people that want to understand why they are as they are.

Franky is still happy... and he's always making sure that he does whatever it takes in order to continue being happy... without harming somebody else...

Hehehehehehe... Dont have too much time to think... So probably I just forgot something... Actually, as I said I just wanted to show you the pic that Yoel took.

In case you're wondering what have I done? A little resume since December... Actually my vacations didnt ended in Morrocoy, I spent really nice days showing Aine parts of Caracas and some other beaches like Choroni, meeting new people and introducing her more people... I finished another semester (I passed all my subjects!!!) and of course, I worked a looot for AIESEC... We had the NSM and 2 days after I went to Egypt, where I spent almost 3 wonderful weeks, I'll let you know why in the next post (like in 6 months from now)

Right now I'm sick... But completly happy, in a new semester and just about to leave to México! TO BE FACI OF ALDS 2007!!!!

Anyway... as always... got to go... But at least I posted something...

Kisses! Franky.


Anonymous said...

Happy GN Director :)
this sounds so like you

Aine said...

wow! you know when you told me yday you were going to post this photo I had visions of me uploading it in about 3 months time :) kudos!!

Te extrano :( pero te quiero muxo mas! :) :) y tb soy super feliz ;) aunque no tengo ni **** idea q voy a hacer el ano q viene!!

Rob said...

Love the picture, love the vision, love the author :)

Hope to read much more in the days & weeks to come.

Hugs from the other side of the world


Unknown said...

Hola Franky!

Creo que está de más decir que esa foto está espectacularmente bella!
Aparece un muchacho muy bello como muy reflexivo, frente a un paisaje espectacular. De verdad no parecieras que se tratara de ti (jajajaj bromeando)

Quiero enviar felicitaciones a quien te tomo esa espectacular fotografía.

Si no te conociera imprimiria esa foto inmediatamente, y corriese para obtener un autografo tuyo !!! (jejeje)

Te quiero mucho mi Franky.

Espero algun dia cuadrar bien para irnos a morrocoy o choroni :P

Y Hey! no olvides seguir contagiando a tu alrededor con tu sonrisa :D
Take care!