Tuesday, April 17, 2007



NATCO-LDS is comming... I meant... CONEXIÓN 2007! IS COMMIIING!!!

OH YES! And is comming really hot! We have a great conference on the way... It's gonna be awesome! Im sooooo excited about this... You have nooooo idea!

Anyway... I have classes now... Got to go!


Friday, April 13, 2007


Ok... Rob just told me that it seems that I stoped my editing moment... Porbably he's right... I just think that I came back to my reality and actually is kind of worse. Why?, I have soooooooooo much to do, I mean, I left the Cy once for IPM, that was ok 'cause it was my job and also I was on school holidays...

Buuuuuuuuuut I also left the Cy to go to Mexico and I missed 2 weeks of classes plus lots of work I had to finish by those weeks (I did some of the work in Mexico, but not eeeeverything). Sooo, right now I'm trying to catch up my classes and exams, paper works and friends (yeah right, they want to kill me)... Plus tons of work I have to do.

But you know what's the best thing?... Guess... I'm still excited, happy and frustrated... Im soooo happy with the work Im doing these days. The preparation of NATCO is greeat, the agenda, sessions. Im also in the tracking days of the national plan. Im having great meetings in the MC. Im watching opportunities eeeeverywhere. Im still listening a lot of music. Im just living!

To tell you a little bit about my life these days... I arrived on Good thursday and I spent the night with mny mom going to 7 different churches (catholic tradition), sooo insted of resting I spent the night in the whole city 'till 1 am. Anyway on friday I went also to the church, but this time I took my grandma who wanted to go, I stayed there for 4 hours almost. The cool thing is that I could see and talk to good friends I had long time without speaking to. For those who dont know me, I used to spend lots of time in church during 10 years of my life.

Saturday and Sunday were familiy and friends days... I had the chance to go to COPAS! (I really love that club) and I look for chocolate eggs in my grandma house, the adults (Im still a child) hided the eggs in all the house and the garden and we looked for them (fuuuuun!!!)... Of course, I couldnt miss my time to work on AIESEC during those days, although I couldnt do as much as I wanted.

These days I've been going to the office, having meetings, going to classes, catching up... Difficult, and I feel some professors actually look at me as the guy that is noooo interested at all in their classes... FUCK! I had an amaizing experience that gave me more than what they could give me in those 2 weeks :-P

Soooo... Thats the resume that I can give right now... Have to go back to work... Very excited and happy!!! I just cant stop movements in my body and music in my head...

Loooooove is in the air!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

More images from the happy Franky!

More images for youuuuuuu.... And dont ask for more 'till I upload them :-P

This is our awesome conference team... we have OC and facis here... GREAT PEOPLE!

Here we are trying to practice the rollcall... This was our first office during the premeeting... Was very nice!


Love is in the air!!!

Just wanted to let you know that..... LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!!!

Hehhehehehe... Just happy! and no, Im not drinking!


Just finished!

Well guys! we just finished the Spanish Speaking Presidents Meeting (SSPM)... My last task here... My last responsibility as MCP of AIESEC in Venezuela here in Mexico... The meeting was great! we had good discussions and we got to commitments, hopefully commitments that are going to be accomplished this time... Im gonna make sure that Venezuela fullfil ours.

Now Im in the MC House working in some small things and answering some emails... Tomorrow I wanna go to the pyramids, to the computer center (need to buy a pd) and to "Basilica de la Guadalupe"... And Im pretty sure that there are some other things I should see... Buuuuut, no time!

So people... hope you're ok... Thanks for reading me... Dont ask for pics!

