Monday, May 28, 2007

News from Venezuela?

If you watch the news about Venezuela in these days you will be able to find information about RCTV, the TV channel that is not transmiting anymore because the government believes is the best...
The last week there were several activities in order to protest about Chavez's decision... on friday the universities actually suspended activities. But on saturday I had my community service class again... And on sunday I stayed home, working on some things and watching the last day of transmission of RCTV.
It was kind of sad... The messages, songs created, images, and finally watch how at 11:59:59 pm the TV went blank for a while... 1 minute later the new government's channel started... Today students are again on the streets. I dont believe in that pacific solution, this time I do believe that something else should be done. But people want a pacific protest, and that should be respected.
If you wanna know more about this go to: (spanish), (spanish) or (english)

Hugs from Venezuela... Where protests are taking place...

Friday, May 25, 2007

Last but not least

The last meeting that we are having with members...

... Our last chance to say goodbye...

... A combination of work, transition party and networking...


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fotos del campamento!

Hey people!
Sooooo... I decided that this time I should show you some pictures... In this link you will be able to find the space of the camp. There just look under the pic that you're gonna see there for Entrenamiento Guias 2007, those are the pictures of the Camo Training.
Hope you enjoy the pictures... I did :P... I wait for more that si coming...

Monday, May 21, 2007

What a weekend...


I was in this camp training/selection with more than 40 people... It was great, apart from the fact that I was the oldest guy there... But I had the chance to share with all that people... They had from 16 'till 21 years, but I played volleyball, watergames, rallys and any other game with them. The thoric parts were cool also. It was like a real weekend!

I'm really happy about it... Although I crashed my car... :-(, which doesnt make me very happy... Buuuut still, the weekend was aaaaaaaaaweeesome!



Thursday, May 17, 2007

Near future...

Hehehehe... The reason for my excitment these days... I mean, I've been dreaming and creating lots of expectations around the plans that my mind is conceiving... hmmmm... Let me share some with you, or probably all.

Right now I'm in my transition time, which is starting with great results. My MCPe is very happy in her position and expecting lots for her experience. This weekend I'm leaving for a training, an AIESEC training most of you should think, buuuut NO! Im going to a Camp Guide training/selection. YES! I'm really happy 'cause I've always wanted to be a Camp Guide and I never had the time before to do it, but the opportunity just came to me and I'm taking it. So this weekend the Directors of the camp will select the people that will have lots of fun with lots of kids.

Right after there are 2 possibilities depending on several factors... But basicly one of the options is going out of the Cy (I'll tell you later depending on some of these factors), the other option is taking a trip around my country, wanna know why? CLICK HERE! Hopefully what you're gonna see there is enough reason for you to understand :-)... And maybe also to join me!

In september I'm going with my family to U.S., yes! after several years of not going to US with my family there's gonna be a family trip to US again... We're gonna remember old times 'cause we're going to Orlando, that means Disney World and other parks :-), that's really exciting! I'm gonna have too much fun in the water parks, the new rides, new attractions...

And in October... Coming back... starting to work aaaaaaaaaaaand... My last year in the university HOPEFULLY!

What do you think? Wouldn't you like to have plans as excited as mine? Wanna come? hehehehe...

I'M SOOOO EXCITED!!!! (Which means that I'm singing and dancing more than usual)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


If you see this guy stop him!

He's being kind of random this week (as you could read in the previous post). We suggest you to be careful. As soon as you hug him RUN!

... UN Security Council...

World's Random Week

According to the biggest news website in the world, located in one of the Pacific islands, this week is the World's Random Week! This website have noticed an increasing number of people communicating random comments in virtual spaces. Because of this they have decided to give to the people a week for randomness...

Soooo... I have decided to celebrate the World's Random Week... How?, you have nooooo idea, random expressions are coming from every single part of my body, I'm signing to my team each day doing a "Karaoke MC" where I've been performing Jessica Simpson, Andrea Bocelli, Marta Sanchez, Cristian Castro, etc. On the other hand I've been trying to start studying at 1:30 am, which means that I've been falling sleep wherever I'm studying by that moment... I'm also ready to work, hehehehehe, yeah right, the truth is that I haven't been able to concentrate too much, which means that I'm in a very bad situation with my university and my amount of work done.

Buuuuuut the best think is that.... I'M EXCITED & HAPPY about what's expecting me for the future... I'm not stressed yet aaaaaaaaaand I'm gonna keep celebrating the World's Random Week... I really don't care about what people could say about it! :-P

Read you later! :-)... and Happy Randomness!


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Something that I just stop feeling in Venezuela was felt again in this conference...

YES! I AM IN AIESEC! The spirit is back and hopefully it will grow lots! AIESEC Venezuela is going to rock next term... The talent we have right now is the talent needed to bring AIESEC back to this organization. I'm very proud of my team and very proud of the reults we had in the conference!

As most of you already know Richard left the office almost 2 weeks ago... Sooooo, the new finance responsible during his absence iiiiisssss...... MEEEE!!! hehehehe, I'm back to finances... Is great to be back, although more work is coming, specially 'cause there are some fiscal and legal issues, and of course, finances are not always that fun when a conference is coming and you dont have enough money.

Anyway... last week was craaaaaazy... But the conference started almost on time, we got lost like 5 times on the way to the venue, but we (facis) arrived really early which gave us time to finish everything we had to prepare... Besides one guy, we had awesome externals, people loft them. We had session in the pool, sessions with projections on the roof, great outputs, like the contribution for AIESEC 2010, and great parties like the local cultural party.

People danced rollcalls, people cried, people did their best in order to make everything work and have the best conference ever!

Right now I'm back into the office... lots to do of course... meetings and issues to solve... But again really happy to be here... Although Im starting to think that probably it is my time to leave AIESEC.

:-o... Can't believe I said that...


Lost in space


