Wednesday, May 09, 2007

World's Random Week

According to the biggest news website in the world, located in one of the Pacific islands, this week is the World's Random Week! This website have noticed an increasing number of people communicating random comments in virtual spaces. Because of this they have decided to give to the people a week for randomness...

Soooo... I have decided to celebrate the World's Random Week... How?, you have nooooo idea, random expressions are coming from every single part of my body, I'm signing to my team each day doing a "Karaoke MC" where I've been performing Jessica Simpson, Andrea Bocelli, Marta Sanchez, Cristian Castro, etc. On the other hand I've been trying to start studying at 1:30 am, which means that I've been falling sleep wherever I'm studying by that moment... I'm also ready to work, hehehehehe, yeah right, the truth is that I haven't been able to concentrate too much, which means that I'm in a very bad situation with my university and my amount of work done.

Buuuuuut the best think is that.... I'M EXCITED & HAPPY about what's expecting me for the future... I'm not stressed yet aaaaaaaaaand I'm gonna keep celebrating the World's Random Week... I really don't care about what people could say about it! :-P

Read you later! :-)... and Happy Randomness!



Anonymous said...

Happy World's Random Weeeeeek,
I'm so happy such thing exists:)

Anonymous said...

Einstein wrote once: "I, at any rate, am convinced that He (God) does not throw dice." (Einstein 1969)
Bohr told Born to tell Einstein: "Stop telling God what to do"