Thursday, March 29, 2007


I think that in this time is just impossible for me to describe the amount of excitment that I have... Is not just 'cause we finish a great conference and the delegates are fucking satisfied! But is also 'cause I'm feeling soooo good about the result of the conference that I just wanna dance, jump, sing, open my body to the world and let them feel the energy and light that is inside me.

Actually the conference is finishing tomorrow, but today we had our last session as facis of ALDS... Or who knows, facis of Ser Mas Leaders Summit... hehehehehe... We'll see... I just wanna say that this is defenetly another experience that have a great value in my AIESEC career and in my life.

Shit guys... Conferences in AIESEC are the best... you can have any role, but the best experience I have had in my life have been IC 2004 as CC member and now AXLDS 07 as faci... I just wish that all of you could have this opportunity and could take as much advantage as I did.

I'm now going to the last party of the conference... Just wanted to share my excitment with people out of the conference... Love you all... Life is great! and more is coming... Hopefully this havent finish here...

Hugs and Kisses!


Aine said...

I soo regret not applying to be a faci! would have been a pretty cool end to the year :)

Glad you had fun though!

Love you

Rob said...

I agree with Aine :)
And you were right about becoming a blog addict!!!

Hope you have a lovely weekend, and a productive and inspiring PM.

Love & miss you lots.
Hugs & kisses,

Rob said...

Hi darling :)

Bee send me a cool video today. It's this really cute Venezuelan guy trying to come up with a roll call in an AIESEC Conference. I think i've seen him before, somewhere...

Miss you sooooo much.
Love, hugs & kisses

Anete said...

i totally agree with u about @ conferences;) and IC 2004...thats one of my best XPs as well, for sure. and that XP would have be even better if i wouldnt have soooo boring check-in mate from finance team, do u remember him :P?