Tuesday, April 03, 2007

More images from the happy Franky!

More images for youuuuuuu.... And dont ask for more 'till I upload them :-P

This is our awesome conference team... we have OC and facis here... GREAT PEOPLE!

Here we are trying to practice the rollcall... This was our first office during the premeeting... Was very nice!



Rob said...

Thanks for the pics :)
Glad to hear the meeting went well.

Limbo can be fun and it can be frustrating - hopefully you're able to focus on the first of the two ;) Looking forward to chatting soon and listening to your thoughts...

Sending you a big big hug, I hope we can chat before you head back home. But if not i wish you a safe trip.


Aleja Laiton said...

Hola tu! :)

Finalmente di con tu blog!
Fue muy rico compartir guaro, mariachis, postre, secretos y sofá contigo! hahaha!
Muy pronto te mandaré las fotos..

Espero que nos veamos de nuevo sino es en Venezuela, será en Colombia o donde el universo conspire..! eres un éxito!

Excelente trabajo en AXLDS! ;)

Besos y galletas,

Katy said...

Ku Ku Clan ! :)

ahah Hey Frank! After spending wayyy too much time on Nomadlife and some random connections I came across your blog! Great posts from the conference...

After axlds ended i went on the study tour- pretty frick'n awesome and then went for 4 days to Mexico City. The US delegates called the MC office one day to try and meet up with the presidents, but it didn't work out. Sad. Well, we went to some great museums, ate awesome food, saw the city and the pyramids none the less...

It was great to meet you and to have you as a Faci in Mexico. You really did a great job. I was impressed by you and all of the Facis at the conference...really the best I've had at an @ conference.

Take care, and don't be a stranger

A big hug from the USA,

Franky said...

hehehehehe... Siiii

I love people reading my blog... I thought nobody was reading it... You have to keep participating :-)

Katy thanks for the comments... we did our best and it seems that with the combination of your attitude the conference was a greeeeat experience for everybody!

Lets now meet everybody again! not in a conference but in a beach in the Caribe... I'm offering Margarita!

Gina said...

I want to got o Margarita again!!!!