Wednesday, May 09, 2007


If you see this guy stop him!

He's being kind of random this week (as you could read in the previous post). We suggest you to be careful. As soon as you hug him RUN!

... UN Security Council...


Rob said...

You should be careful mentioning the UN Security Council on your blog - Mr Chavez might decide to block it :P

I can see you now on the desktop background of my computer. My team think i am very strange for hugging a laptop screen... :P

Happy random week!

Dan said...

Guys, be very careful. I fell into the trap. I gave Frank a hug. But I had NOWHERE TO RUN!

It was horrible, ghastly.

I never want to experience that again.

Although it was kind of nice.

Be warned.

Aine said...

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs! :) Happy Random Week Sunshine!!! I know the feeling about falling asleep where ever you happen to be at 0130...Now that I have my laptop back I am working until that hour most nights!! woooooooooot! I try MC Karaoke too...but Prue puts on her headphones :( I'm just trying to introduce her to LA culture through such great ambassadors like Marc Anthony, Gloria Trevi, Diego Torres etc....she doesn't appreciate my efforts to broaden her horizons though!

Aine said...

PS...I still love those angel photos :p what else could we have you make angels and increase the collection ;) I guess there is always mud?! oh oh! or remember on the way to Cabo San Roman and there was salt by the edge of the water?? Ok so I am letting my imagination run a little bit...I need to sleep more or work less...or maybe drink less coffee?! you think I qualify for random week? ;)

<3 <3 (pity these don't turn around in blogger too)

Erica is Rich said...

Hugs to you since I saw your photos!