Monday, May 21, 2007

What a weekend...


I was in this camp training/selection with more than 40 people... It was great, apart from the fact that I was the oldest guy there... But I had the chance to share with all that people... They had from 16 'till 21 years, but I played volleyball, watergames, rallys and any other game with them. The thoric parts were cool also. It was like a real weekend!

I'm really happy about it... Although I crashed my car... :-(, which doesnt make me very happy... Buuuut still, the weekend was aaaaaaaaaweeesome!




Rob said...

So you're now officially a camp guide... no, an OLD camp guide...

Not sure how to take this news... :P

Seriously, congratulations. It's gonna be a great summer :D


Franky said...

oh! I forgot to say... I'm still waiting for the decision of the staff... They are going to call latest in 2 weeks the selected people.

Kevy Nathalie said...

te quiero franky!!!